Registration is under way for online summer and CR classes

From AAPSNews Service

Registration is under way in the Ann Arbor Public Schools for students who want to take online summer classes or personalized Community Resource courses for credit through the school district.

With more rigorous state high school graduation requirements, some students are finding the need to take a class over the summer to fit in other electives during the school year, explained Susette Jaquette, summer online program coordinator.

Registration will continue through 3 p.m. June 24 for the sessions, which run from June 21 through July 30. The courses are open to both Ann Arbor students and those outside of the district.

Although online summer classes have been offered in Ann Arbor since 2003, this is the first year the district is using all AAPS teachers and all courses on the AAPSMoodle Web site, said Jaquette.

She said there are several reasons that students opt to take summer classes online.

Summer courses allow them more flexibility during the school year. “About half of those enrolled are math students. Some want to jump ahead a grade level (in  math),” she said, adding that they must be “A” students in order to enroll in “Flexible Advancement in Mathematics” classes.

Others who didn’t do well in a math class during the school year can take an online refresher to master it.

Then, there are enrichment classes in a variety of subjects from more traditional History and English to new courses in Web Design and Financial Math to help students to move ahead in their school careers.

In addition to straight, online classes, this summer’s program also offers two blended enrichment classes that include online and classroom components. New is a personal fitness class where most of the coursework is done online with the class meeting once per week at a variety of different health-oriented locations in Ann Arbor such as the YMCA or hospital nutrition programs.

The other blended offering is a health class which features guest speakers as well as online modules. Both classes meet high school requirements.

There will be an orientation for online summer students during the week of June 21. The program will require students to take proctored tests and will have proctors available at Skyline High School where the district’s traditional summer school is being offered.

“I don’t think there’s any offering this extensive anywhere else,” Jaquette said of Ann Arbor’s online summer program. The program started in 2002-03 with 18 students enrolled online. Last year, 219 students were enrolled and taking online classes.

Community Resource courses are another non-traditional way for students to earn high school credit by working with an “expert” from the community either on-site or in the school. CRs are monitored by certified teacher. “A CR is an opportunity for enrichment, exploration of career options, a chance to experience college curricula, an opportunity to do community service, or a way to accommodate a learning style preference,” according to a description on the program’s Web site.

This summer, a Volunteer Services CR class is being offered for credit through the Michigan Abilities Center. Students can become therapeutic riding center volunteers and help with riding, horse handling and side walking as well as program development, clerical work, special events, fundraising and animal care. Ninety hours of service are required.

Students may also create their own CR class and submit it for approval or request a specific one in Spanish, science, or math.

Online summer classes cost $250 for in-district students and $292 for out-of-district students. Community Resource classes cost $190 for the summer.

In addition to summer enrollments, students can also sign up for online and CR classes for the fall semester through Sept. 10, Jaquette added.

Online or Community Resource classes: Students needing more information or wishing to sign up for online or CR courses can log in through the “Community Resource Department” link on the Community High School page. Students may also see their guidance counselor or call 734-994-2026 or e-mail Jaquette.

Traditional AAPS Summer School:  Registration for high school is June 21-24 at Skyline High School. Visit
for information and available courses.

For questions about traditional high school-level summer school, please call 734-994-1813. For online summer school questions, please call 734-994-2026.

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