Your news, story ideas school photos and video are welcome for this news site for the Ann Arbor Public Schools.
Please send information to Jo Mathis at or call 734-994-2090.
Consider submitting information about:
• Events: If you have an upcoming event, please try to give us as much advance time as possible to consider coverage. Send background information about the event if possible.
• If an event has occurred and you have photographs, a video clip or other general information, please send them to us. Photographs should be a minimum 200 dpi resolution and be sent in a jpg format. Please include information about the people pictured in your photo (Note: We will follow district policy regarding use of names in captions.) Please send photos as an attachment. Do not paste photos into the body of the email.
• Unique programs or special projects in a classroom, department or school community. Don’t forget about partnerships between your school and other community groups.
• An interesting teacher or staff member who would make a good profile feature.
• Any other ideas or suggestions for what you would like to see featured here.
If you would like to submit a short story (announcements, upcoming events, etc.) for the AAPS News Briefs Page, please follow these submission guidelines.
Reprint policy: Ann Arbor Public Schools-affiliated schools and district PTO groups wishing to reprint stories and information from this site for their newsletters are welcome to do so in their entirety. If you have questions, need edited versions of items or photographs, email or call 734-994-2090 (internal ext. 51228.)
Others not affiliated with the Ann Arbor Public Schools should contact us for publication permission.