National School Lunch Hero Day honors frontline workers dedicated to serving up “Happy and Healthy”

On Friday, May 3, AAPS and its food service partner Chartwells K12 are joining schools across the
country to celebrate National School Lunch Hero Day, recognizing the hard-working cafeteria
professionals going above and beyond to serve healthy meals to students each day.
Throughout the school year, these heroes of the cafeteria are dedicated to making mealtime a bright spot in a student’s day, ensuring kids throughout the Ann Arbor community are served nourishing meals.
To mark School Lunch Hero Day this year, Chartwells K12 is sending every associate a special
edition shirt, as a tribute to their superhero status and dedication to serving up happy and healthy.
Highlights of how the School Lunch Heroes at AAPS “serve up happy” include:
Apple Crunch Day
National School Breakfast Week
Global Eats Events and Menu Features
“Our school foodservice staff are the heart of our lunch program, serving nourishment and kindness to our students every day,” said AAPS Foodservice Director Michael DeVries. “We celebrate and thank these dedicated individuals for their hard work, passion, and commitment to our students. They truly are School Lunch Heroes!”
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