Northside K-8 STEAM School Meeting March 6

Northside Elementary Media Center (January 2013 stock photo)
Northside Elementary Media Center (January 2013 stock photo)

Exciting changes are coming to Northside Elementary next year. The school will be home to a K-8 program focused on STEAM education that will be available to up to 500 AAPS students.

Next year’s Northside students will use technology in order to complete projects that combine lessons in different subjects. Each student and staff member will be provided with a device, such as a tablet or laptop.

More details about the new STEAM — which stands for Science, Technology, Arts, Engineering and Mathematics — program will be shared at an meeting at Northside on March 6 at 6:30. AAPS Superintendent Dr. Swift and district administrators will present their plans for the new program.

Related on the AAPS News:


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  1. Please provide web links to STEAM organizations or programs that will be used as a model. We want to come to the open house more informed about STEAM and how it works elsewhere.

  2. Quick question about the March 6 meeting: while it is clear that this is geared to parents, is it okay to bring along a current fifth-grader? It’s a hard time of day to have a sitter, and it might be good for a prospective student to have a look-see. If students are welcome, might be good to put that out there.
    Very excited about this program!

  3. Hello Ms. Barry,

    It is fine to bring along prospective students, as childcare and activities will be provided. The meeting starts at 6:30. See you there!

    Thank you for reading the AAPS News!


  4. Hello,

    In response to the bringing a prospective student: I believe I heard there will be childcare available, likely located in the Northside gym. I am planning on bringing my two children, a current first-grader and a kindergartner in Fall 2014. AAPS, feel free to clarify my statement if I am incorrect about childcare.

    I am very excited about what this program will have to offer!


  5. Yes, childcare and activities will be provided tonight. The meeting starts at 6:30. See you there!

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