Lakewood third graders share their Animal Habitat Museum with entire school

Students proud to share results of cross-curriculum project

Video by Jo Mathis/AAPS District News

Fjollza Asani’s third grade at Lakewood Elementary collaborated with art teacher Peggy Leonard to guide students in a cross-curricular project Animal Habitat Museum.

Third graders picked an animal of their choice, researched that animal, and wrote about it. In science class, they learned about their animals’ traits and habitats. With all that information, they were able to create their animal out of clay in Leonard’s art class, and use all their new knowledge about their animals to create an animal habitat.

Fellow Lakewood students then visited the museum, stopping to hear the third graders talk about their projects.

“The Animal Habitat Museum is the culmination of students engrossed in their learning and taking ownership of their knowledge,” said Asani. “Confidence beamed as each student proudly demonstrated their learning to the whole school. These are the days that make a teacher’s heart full.” 

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