WISD Leo Club reports a productive fall season




By Austin Shepherd—WISD Leo Club President and Huron High School ninth grader

This fall, our Leos have been busy working on service projects as well as having fun together.

The WISD Leo Club is a youth service and social organization that is sponsored by the Ann Arbor Host Lions Club and the Washtenaw Intermediate School District. Anyone ages 12 to 18 can join the WISD Leo Club. The WISD Leo Club members function as a working board. We meet monthly at the Neutral Zone in Ann Arbor to plan social and service opportunities within the community.

Our biggest service project this year took place earlier this month when our club joined up with our local Lions affiliate (Ann Arbor Host Lions Club) to help pack up school supplies and thanksgiving treats for the holiday season.

With collaboration from the University of Michigan Delta Gamma Sorority, we managed to fill more than 8 bags of school supplies and food that will be used by kids and families in our communities in need. Our project was a huge success, with more than 11 participants. We were able to do our jobs and then some.

Other important events that our members have participated in include, but are not limited to, the Ann Arbor Host Lions Club Peace Essay Contest, U-M Veterans Wheelchair Basketball Game, speaking engagements at the UofM Delta Gamma Sorority, the U-M Medical School, and the Michigan Eye Bank Delta Gamma Foundation’s “What’s Your Vision” event. We are extremely proud of the individuals within our club that have volunteered their time and talents to make these events successful. We recognize these individuals as gifted members of our Leo Community and hope to see future accomplishments from them all.

If you are interested in becoming a member or have any questions, contact:

Kathy Christensen, WISD staff advisor, at KChris@washtenawisd.org

Amy Shepherd,  Ann Arbor host Lion advisor, at amyshep4@gmail.com

Austin Shepherd, WISD Leo president, at austinshepgoblue@gmail.com

LLEOVisit our website at www.wisdleos.com

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1 Comment

  1. Great to see all the wonderful activities of the WISD Leo Club. Keep up the good work!

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