Two minutes at: Lakewood Elementary

Editor’s Note: This is one in a series of two-minute videos offering a quick glimpse into one of AAPS’ 32 schools. At AAPS, our vision is Every Child. Every Day. Every one fully sees, values, and celebrates each child for exactly who they are, the gifts and strengths they bring to this world.

Video by Jo Mathis/AAPS District News Editor

Lakewood Elementary is home to 265 Lakewood Lizards.

The school opened in 1961, and remained a small neighborhood school until 2001 when it was closed and used for a variety of AAPS programs as well as storage. A gala celebration/reunion was held in 2001 when the building reopened as an elementary school.

Located on the city’s western edge several blocks off Jackson Road, the school is tucked into the Lakewood subdivision backing up to a nature area. Its name reflects its geography near lakes and woods.

Lakewood was featured in the AAPS District News recently when third graders created an Animal Habitat Museum shared with the entire school and when students celebrated World Down Syndrome Day.


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