Superintendent’s Community Builders Program develops with student input

The second Community Builders Program session: student delegates from each elementary school, high school volunteer leaders/facilitators, and district administration, including AAPS Superintendent Dr. Patricia Green.
The second Community Builders Program session: student delegates from each elementary school, high school volunteer leaders/facilitators, and district administration, including AAPS Superintendent Dr. Patricia Green.

By Tara Cavanaugh

Ann Arbor Public Schools Superintendent Dr. Patricia Green started a district-wide Community Builders Program last November, providing students leadership opportunities and three levels of peace education: peacekeeping, peace building and peace making skills.

At the program’s second meeting March 21 at Huron High School, student delegates from each elementary school shared their ideas about creating peaceful communities with attentive and excited members of the district administration. 

AAPS Superintendent Dr. Patricia Green shakes hands with a student delegate.
AAPS Superintendent Dr. Patricia Green shakes hands with a student delegate.

The students also voted on a flag to represent the problem, and will decide where to display it in their schools.

Because this is the first year of the Community Builders Program, district officials feel it is important that students voice their input in its development, said AAPS Deputy Superintendent Alesia Flye.

The young students also interacted with high school student volunteers, who shared their own leadership experiences in arts, academics and athletics.

At the third meeting this spring, the students will engage in more leadership building and will report on the ways they are incorporating peacekeeping activities in their school communities.

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