Superintendent Dr. Green to retire from AAPS

AAPS Superintendent Dr. Patricia Green at the A2 Tech graduation ceremony in June 2012.
AAPS Superintendent Dr. Patricia Green at the A2 Tech graduation ceremony in June 2012.

We’re saddened to announce that Ann Arbor Public Schools Superintendent Dr. Patricia Green is retiring, effective at the end of this fiscal year, which ends June 30.

Dr. Green sent out this letter to staff today:

Last evening, I gave President Deb Mexicotte a letter in which I asked her to
accept my resignation as Superintendent of Schools of the Ann Arbor Public
Schools, effective 90 days from yesterday. I shared with her that I plan to
retire during the summer after 43 years as a professional educator in public
education. I have been blessed to have truly enjoyed my 43-year career and I
thanked her and the Board for the opportunity to serve the Ann Arbor
community during these past two years.
To all my colleagues in Ann Arbor Public Schools, it has been a privilege to
work with you and I wish you well as you continue to maintain the highest
of standards for all of our children in the future. Ann Arbor is truly an
outstanding school district with so many dedicated staff members who care
enormously about children. Your commitment and dedication are beyond
As I retire, I hope to do some reflective writing about my many experiences
in education, do some traveling, and reconnect with family and friends who I
have neglected over the years!
Thank you to you all!

Board of Education President Deb Mexicotte also sent out a letter to staff. “In the time  Dr. Green has served our community she has made a lasting and positive impact in the areas of public school advocacy, interdepartmental collaboration, district budget and finance, staff hiring and development, student achievement and social development, and implementation of our Strategic Plan.”

Mexicotte summarized Dr. Green’s achievements, including her advocacy at the state level, her work with the University of Michigan Scarlett-Mitchell Teaching and Learning Collaborative, her role in forging partnerships with local and national businesses, and her dedication to improving student achievement. View Mexicotte’s full letter in PDF form .

Mexicotte concluded her letter by wishing Dr. Green all the best: “On a personal note, I have enjoyed a very productive and rewarding partnership with Dr. Green as we have worked together on any number of district focused efforts and events over the last few years. On behalf of the Ann Arbor Board of Education I would like to wish Dr. Green all the best in her retirement and thank her for her dedicated and exemplary work on behalf of our district’s students, parents, staff and community.”

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1 Comment

  1. I’ve been a parent in this district for over ten years and have watched it slowly disintigrate into an average, at best, district. Cuts and more cuts that hurt our kids in order to pay for our bloated administration and teacher union demands. Worst of all is the deafening silence coming from the parents who just accept the situation with a mere “shrug of the shoulder” or are counting the days when their kid(s) are out of a certain school they don’t like and move up or graduate instead of speaking up.
    Patricia Green can go. She won’t be missed by me. What I will miss is all the money that will be going with her. Oh well, I doubt the kids would see any of it anyway.
    Cindy Gould

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