State Superintendent Mike Flanagan Visits Pattengill Elementary School

Pattengill Teacher Paula D'Addona, Bryant Principal Roberta Heyward, State Superintendent Mike Flanagan, Pattengill Principal Melita Alston
Pattengill Teacher Paula D’Addona, Bryant Principal Roberta Heyward, State Superintendent Mike Flanagan, Pattengill Principal Melita Alston

Pattengill Elementary School was honored on Monday, April 21, with a visit from the State Superintendent Mike Flanagan. The visit was arranged by Pattengill’s teacher, Paula D’Addona. Superintendent Flanagan clearly enjoyed his visit to Pattengill especially his student-led tour of the school!

Pattengill Principal Melita Alston, along with Bryant Principal Roberta Heyward, arranged a student-focused tour of the 3rd-5th grade school, sharing with Mr. Flanagan the uniqueness of the Bryant/Pattengill super pair and how this pair serves students in grades K-5.

Classroom tours were the highlight of the visit, led by students from Pattengill:  Luke C., Joseph S., Angela L., and Meg B. At each stop along the tour the students had a prepared presentation explaining what is happening in the classrooms, what is so special about Pattengill and what the students are learning throughout their school day. Superintendent Flanagan, during his conversation with Pattengill staff after the tour, commented on how few student-led tours he encounters when he visit schools. He shared how very impressed he was with how proud Pattengill students and staff are of their school! Superintendent Flanagan also commented on the diversity of the school especially mentioning the flags hung around the multipurpose room representing the diverse student body.

During his tour Superintendent Flanagan enjoyed beautiful displays of art that represent native dress from around the world the students created and hung throughout the school. In Ms. Blair’s 4th grade classroom, Mr. Flanagan was treated to a class-produced video that demonstrates how technology is integrated into the curriculum. In Ms. Embry’s 5th grade class a student-produced video addressed the topic “Not My Hue”. This video allowed students to express who they are by showing that their skin color is not relevant to their hopes, dreams and wishes!

AAPS Superintendent Dr. Jeanice Swift, AAPS Board Member Glenn Nelson, members of AAPS administration, Pattengill staff and Pattengill PTO members all accompanied Superintendent Flanagan, Ms. Alston and Ms. Heyward on the school tour.

Superintendent Flanagan ended his time at Pattengill with a meeting with Pattengill staff answering their questions about Focus School designations, state assessment status and updates on legislative actions. Superintendent Flanagan was very candid about some of the frustrations he is addressing with state assessments and the plan for Fall 2014 implementation of Smarter Balance.

The Pattengill staff and students did an outstanding job representing their school and the entire district! Superintendent Flanagan expressed what an enjoyable time he had visiting Pattengill especially meeting and interacting with the exceptional students!

Superintendent Flanagan and AAPS Superintendent Swift listen to Pattengill students on their school


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