Three engineers spoke to Debbie Bondy’s seventh grade tech ed class at Scarlett Middle School recently
about what they do and how they got where they are.
Bondy says she invites professionals into her classroom to help students realize there are many options in engineering and STEM fields.
“They get a lot of information about the different kinds of engineers there are, and what different engineers do, how they got where they are, what they did for hobbies, and what they did in high school and college,” says Bondy.
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1 Comment
Congrats Scarlett, I have three children, two of which attended Scarlett. Once a Roadrunner always a Roadrunner. Keep up the good work.
Congrats Scarlett, I have three children, two of which attended Scarlett. Once a Roadrunner always a Roadrunner. Keep up the good work.
Corinne from Tappan