Red Wing Foundation donates hockey equipment to Carpenter Elementary

Photos provided by Charles Davis.

Carpenter Elementary students were treated to a Detroit Red Wings assembly Dec. 6. During the high-energy, interactive assembly, Red Wings representatives taught students about the importance of exercise and good nutrition –– and they passed out all sorts of goodies.

Red Wings Assembly Program at Carpenter Dec 6

The students got water bottles, t-shirts, pencil pouches and much more, said Carpenter Principal Charles Davis. The Red Wing Foundation also donated two goal posts and several sets of street hockey equipment.

“The kids loved it,” said Principal Davis. “They really got the message about exercising and eating right.”

Carpenter Red Wing Assembly and Donation


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1 Comment

  1. Congratulations Carpenter Community!

    Staying active, eating healthy and listening to your teachers and principal are all great things to do.

    Keep up the good work.

    Principal Johnson
    Lakewood Elementary School

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  1. Two U-M students donate 200 books to Carpenter Elementary class |

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