Pathways to Success holds welcome back BBQ; introduces internship program

Story and photos by Jo Mathis

The aptly named Pathways to Success Academic Campus has added yet another way for students to succeed.

The co-founder of Zingerman’s attended the Welcome Back BBQ at Pathways To Success Academic Campus to show support for the school’s new School-to-Work Program.

“We’re absolutely thrilled to be able to be working with Pathways to Success this year,” said Paul Saginaw, who co-founded the renowned Zingerman’s Community of Businesses.  “It’s something we’ve been moving towards for a long time. We’re hoping to bring young folks in, and provide an opportunity for them to learn a lot. But also, we want to learn a lot from them and from all of you, in how to continue to be relevant. I think it’s going to be a lot of fun.”

Pathways Principal Tyrone Weeks told the crowd of staff, students, and parents that many high school students don’t see the relevance of what they’re learning in the classroom.

“What we aim to do with the School to Work Program is to eliminate that question,” said Weeks. “We want to make learning relevant here at Pathways. What that means for us is to provide an opportunity where students can convey the skills they’re developing in the classes into work experiences … It’s one thing to read about (business) in a book, and another to actually apply that in day to day activities.”

Placing students in internships will also help them develop the soft skills necessary for the working world, said Lee Ann Dickinson-Kelley, assistant superintendent for Instruction & Student Support Services.

“We’re very pleased that the Zingerman organizations are creating these additional pathways,” she said, also noting the popularity of Project Lead the Way as well as theater and drama classes at Pathways.

Weeks said he is also excited about the continued partnership with Washtenaw Community College, which allows qualified upperclassmen to be dually enrolled in the two schools, picking up college credits even before graduating from high school.

Dickinson-Kelley said the district is grateful to The Rotary Club of Ann Arbor for providing scholarships at an expanded level this year.

See a brief video of Pathways staff modeling the school’s new oxford shirts:

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1 Comment

  1. I would like some info on the enrollment process for my niece who may be moving in with us. She had been recommended by Skyline but her mother moved to Westland instead. If she lives with us I think Pathways would be the best fit for her. this move may not happen until the 2016-17 school year. thank you!

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