Four AAPS high schools make Newsweek ‘Best High Schools’ list

Skyline's First Graduation

By Tara Cavanaugh

Huron High School, Pioneer High School, Skyline High School and Community High School are listed on Newsweek’s annual “Best High Schools” list this year.

All four are in the top 2,000: Huron was ranked 891, Pioneer was ranked 955, Skyline was ranked 1019, and Community was ranked 633. The high schools join 78 others from Michigan on the list.

Click here to subscribe to the AAPS NewsNewsweek determines its rankings by analyzing on-time (four-year) graduation rates, percentage of 2011 graduates who were accepted to college, AP tests per student, average SAT and/or ACT scores, average AP exam scores, and percentage of students enrolled in at least one AP course.


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  1. Maybe I am being pessimistic but this is not something to be that proud of. Ann Arbor is a city of a great public university. It is also a city where everyone voluntarily pays sometimes twice as much school taxes than other cities and some of those city high schools did so much better than Ann Arbor high schools. I am surprised that this news announced with such joy!

  2. Fatos Kocer: I would agree however; my children also went to school in Lawton and learned more there than the schools here. My daughter was so frustrated that she had to read the same book 3 times. She ended up bored with school because she had already done what what was being taught in the schools in CA.

  3. Why was it that the article listed Community High last, although it was the highest rank of the Ann Arbor high schools — by a wide margin? Ann Arbor Open and Community High continue to provide the best education in the school district, and the school district continues to treat them as second citizens. In case you wonder, MEAP scores for 8th grade vs 3rd grade show much better improvement for Ann Arbor Open than for the school district average.

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