Clague eighth graders rock out at Festifools

The Festifools parade today was lead by Clague eighth graders working together in a wonderful artistic collaboration.

Clague’s choir and drumming teacher Dianna Hochella and Clague art teacher Kay Pentzienjoined joined forces this past quarter with two of their eighth grade classes.  The art students designed and created a 40 foot serpent, which “devoured and spit out” an entire drumming ensemble of 11 “zombie drummers.”  Once outside “The Beast,” the drummers (wearing costumes and masks also designed by the art students) performed a well choreographed number — while a 6-foot zombie owl and 14-foot zombie cat danced alongside and taunt the creature.

With the additional help of Clague parent Teresa McMahon Fishman, Ann Arbor painter/gallery owner Patrick Thompson, student teacher Chris Boudrie and Mark Tucker, the University of Michigan’s Lloyd Hall Scholars Program instructor and Festifools originator, Clague’s art students were able to bring their conceptual drawings into a reality.

In the mouth of the dragon at Festifools!
In the mouth of the dragon at Festifools before the parade begins.


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