Burns Park students, staff, and families celebrate physical activity and eco-friendly transportation on Bike & Roll to School Day

It was a beautiful sunny morning Wednesday when Burns Park participated in the national Bike & Roll to School Day—a celebration of biking, health, and alternative modes of transportation to school. 

Principal Leslee Bullock led the way to school from the nearby Eberbach Cultural Center so that students could walk the last couple of blocks. Others biked or rode a scooter to school alongside parents and grandparents.

Colleen Synk, Senior Operations and Evaluation Coordinator for Michigan Fitness Foundation’s Safe Routes to School, said she enjoyed meeting the Burns Park Elementary community.

“Experiencing Bike and Roll to School Day events firsthand is inspiring,” said Synk. “Events like Bike and Roll to School Day illustrate how being active on the school commute can unite neighborhoods and bring people together. It also gives everyone the opportunity to see how Safe Routes to School programming can facilitate and help improve the health and well-being of children by enabling and encouraging them to walk and roll to school beyond the event.”

Bike and Roll to School Day events can occur all throughout the month of May. To register a school, go to: https://saferoutesmichigan.org/bike-to-school-day/. Safe Routes to School grant funds may support infrastructure and non-infrastructure projects.

For more information about the Michigan Safe Routes to School program, visit saferoutesmichigan.org.

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