Building partnerships is the goal of upcoming SISS conference

By Jo Mathis

AAPS District News Editor

Nancy Brown, assistive technology consultant,  discusses conference plans with SISS Event Planner Mable Fox.
Nancy Brown, assistive technology consultant, discusses conference plans with contracted event planner Mable Fox.

Every AAPS parent with a child who has a disability is encouraged to attend the “Empowering Exceptional Educators Teaching 21st Century Students” conference on Wednesday, Aug. 26 at Washtenaw Community College.

Parents can click here to register.

The event is sponsored by AAPS Student Intervention & Support Services.

Nancy Brown, SISS assistive technology consultant, said this year SSIS is encouraging a stronger partnership between parents and the district.

“Building stronger relationships between home and school ultimately leads to greater student achievement,” said Brown. “That begins with informed parents, which leads to stronger partnerships.”

Parent registration and continental breakfast begins at 8 a.m. in WCC’s Lawrence Morris Building.

Parents can register for one or both of the morning sessions. “Assistive Technology Decision Making Process” runs from 9:10 to 10:10 a.m. The session will

clarify the Assistive Technology Consideration and Decision Making Process (ATDMP) for the implementation of Assistive Technology (AT) best practices within the classroom environment; IEP compliance relative to AT; creating a capacity building AT team; and requesting AT trials and evaluations.

A session titled “Measurable Goals for Parents” runs from 10:20 to 11:20 a.m. This workshop will provide an overview of what parents should be aware of when writing measurable goals and objectives. The presenter will walk participants through the steps to developing measurable goals and objectives.

Lunch is available at 11:30.

For more information, call Sheila Woodson or Teresa Frierson at 734-994-2318.

On August 27 and 28, the conference continues for special and general education staff and administrators.


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  1. It is too bad that if they want to build a relationship they don’t just wait until school has started and people have returned from well-deserved vacations. But no, instead we have just a few weeks notice. I am not convinced in the sincerity of this effort.

  2. Thank you so much for your comment. The intent is for parents to be informed at the start of the school year, but we understand that every one can’t make it to every event. If you are unable to attend the conference because of vacation time, please call 734-994-2318. We all want the best for every student.

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