Bilingual Scarlett students present at Student Technology Showcase in Lansing

Seven bilingual students from Scarlett Middle School this week presented at the Student Technology Showcase held in the Lansing Capitol Building. Students from Scarlett were one of 40 teams from across the state invited to present innovative uses of technology to state lawmakers. This is the second year in a row that a group from Scarlett has attended the Student Technology Showcase.

Scarlett was one of 40 schools across the state invited to present at the Student Technology Showcase. The seven students were invited by the Michigan Association for Computer Users in Learning (MACUL) to present digital portfolios they created to document and reflect on their learning at Scarlett Middle School. School. The digital portfolios included six projects that demonstrate how access to multimodal technology tools supports listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills while fostering excitement and creativity. An example of a student portfolio can be accessed by clicking here.

The seven presenting students have roots in Honduras, India, Nigeria, Mexico, and China. These students represent the rich multilingual community at Scarlett Middle School that encompasses more than 70 languages. The student presenters have lived in the United States for a span ranging from their whole lives to less than six months. None of the seven students had visited the State Capitol building before and for many this was their first opportunity to learn about the US government system.

Students also had the opportunity to tour the State Capital Building and sit in on a house session. While watching the house session, one of the students remarked, “I think I see a new career for myself.”

The opportunity to participate in the Student Technology Showcase was made possible by the Ann Arbor Public Schools Teacher Leadership in Blended and Digital Learning Professional Development series. The series supports educators with maximizing district technology through online and and face-to-face development. The Blending Learning Initiative provided Evelyn Daugherty, the EL teacher at Scarlett, support with lesson planning, technology troubleshooting, and coordinating the trip to the Student Technology Showcase.

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