AAPS Teachers Back! 3 Days of PD on Tap!

AAPS 2014/2015 Theme!
The Ann Arbor Public School teachers are back in our schools!  They are meeting this morning to view a presentation from Superintendent Dr. Swift and then start their day of professional development! Follow along with us as we share tweets (@a2schools) and through this link on all the great things happening in our schools to prepare for opening day, Tuesday, September 2nd!

The Burns Park staff are being introduced to this year’s theme: Lead Care Inspire!

Dicken Elementary Staff - Compass Learning! photo 4-1 photo 2


Burns Park Elementary SchoolBurns Park Teachers Start Their Day!

Burns Park Elementary photo-21 photo-22 photo-23


Dicken Elementary Staff participating in the Compass Learning Tool? Are you a North, South, East or West and how do the Compass position work best together!


photo 1 photo 2 photo 4-1 Dicken Elementary Staff - Compass Learning!


Burns Park Staff writing a song to get their creative flow going!

Burns Park Staff Creating a Song!

The Purple Pride Pioneer Staff conduct the Compass Training! Directions Determined!

Pioneer Staff = Purple Pride! photo 2 photo 3 photo 4


Dicken’s Lead Care Inspire wall! This is beautiful!

Dicken's Lead Care Inspire Wall



Haisley Elementary School  – Compass Point Session!Haisley Elementary Schools West Team!


The Ann Arbor Public Schools Preschool & Family Center  Staff begin their day with Professional Development!

photo 1

Morning at the Preschool & Family Center!

photo 3

photo 2

The Wines Elementary School is engaged in the TED Talk shown across the district.

Engaged Wines StaffWines Staff

Community High participating in morning PD – The Marshmallow Challenge and building of teams!

Community High Staff at PD CHS Staff Opening DayCHS Building Care & Love


Bach Elementary School hard at work but having fun!

Bach Staff at PDBach staff working with this year's Theme: Lead Care Inspire!


Allen staff at work with  new Principal Kerry Beal!

Allen ElementaryAllen PD


Abbot All Star Staff are Inspired!


IMG_5935 Abbot Lead IMG_9500

Rec & Ed is participating!!

Rec & Ed PD

Look at the Huron High staff! What a great day!

Huron Staff


Lakewood teachers and staff were excited to return to the 2014-15 school year!  They developed and shared ideas on how they are going to lead, care, and inspire one another, our students and our communities.  Lakewood staff are excited to meet our students tomorrow We are loving Lakewood!


Lakewood staff


Tappan staff waves their Lollipops for the start of the new school year! – Everyone watched Clint Smith’s TED Talk!

Tappan Staff w_ Lollipops


Eberwhite staff hard at work today!


Eberwhite’s fabulous staff sharing out on how the LEAD, CARE, and
INSPIRE everyday.


The Bryant and Pattengill staffs were tuned into Dr. Swift’s presentation!



AA STEAM at Northside is off to a GREAT Start! Check out their “first day” activities! STEAM teachers have really been working all summer!!

STEAM image-2 image-3 image-4 image-5





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  1. I love seeing all these summer-relaxed, but now, enthusiastic, ready-to-go faces of AAPS’s dedicated staff. Great smiles! Great group!
    Here’s to a better-than-ever school year! Welcome home!

  2. What happened to all of the wonderful Northside teachers? Where have they all gone?

  3. All teachers in the district had the ability to apply for the positions at Northside. Teachers made the decision to apply based on if they wanted to teach in this specific school with the new project based teaching methods. Many felt that a more traditional setting fit their teacher style in a better way. But all teachers had equal opportunity to apply. The former Northside teachers are teaching at other schools across the district.

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