Ann Arbor Public Schools
Next Steps – District Student Assessments
Last fall, the Ann Arbor Public Schools experienced technical issues with administration of the NWEA/MAP student assessment. As a result, Ann Arbor Public Schools did not participate in winter assessments except for a very few schools that were able to complete the assessment.
Because beginning-to-end of year measures of student academic progress are so very important for students, parents and teachers, AAPS will implement spring assessments in grades K-5, beginning April 22, 2014.
The NWEA/MAP assessment is a national measurement, used in many school districts across the United States, that provides excellent comparative data on student progress which can be used to inform students and teachers and to improve individual student achievement.
In addition, an Ann Arbor Public Schools Assessment Advisory group, made up of teachers, parents, community members, and school administrators has been convened this spring.
The charge of this group is:
- to examine our current assessment practices,
- explore the requirements of new assessments coming to Michigan from the State Department of Education,
- consider the best way to achieve a balanced assessment plan congruent with the AAPS Strategic Plan, and
- make recommendations on assessments, beginning with the elementary level, to the administrative team and Superintendent by mid-June, 2014.
While this district assessment process is underway, I have also directed the Ann Arbor Open staff to review and recommend assessments and methods for monitoring student progress that best align with the open school model. Ann Arbor Open is required to participate in all state mandated assessments.
Ann Arbor Public Schools delivers a quality educational experience. It is important to ensure that all our AAPS students are fully prepared to participate in the next generation assessments coming to Michigan in 2014-2015.
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