Slauson wins first overall as Pioneer, Clague, and Slauson students are now headed for the state tournament on May 4
Three AAPS schools excelled at the University of Michigan Science Olympiad Invitational’s Region 9 Tournament held on Saturday, March 16, and all three schools—Pioneer High, and Clague and Slauson middle schools—are now headed to the state competition on May 4 in Kalamazoo.
Slauson won the tournament with the first-place overall finish while the Pioneer High School Science Olympiad took first place in the high school division.
Clague Middle School
The Clague Stars shone brightly at the Regional competition on Saturday, March 16th. Clague had two teams participating, Clague Middle School A (Primary) and Clague Middle School B (Alternate), and both teams put forth tremendous performances. Clague Middle School A secured 2nd place in the tournament thereby qualifying to compete at the Science Olympiad State-level competition to be held at the Western Michigan University campus. Clague Middle School B placed 5th in the overall results.
Clague Middle School A (Primary) team roster consisted of Jack Guo, Jerry Zuo, Ryan John, Aarav Tirumali, Edwin Liang, Claire Svoboda, Saanvi Kulkarni, Dhananjay Prasad, Benjamin Wang, Luke Zhou, Christina Zhang, Jayani Tavane, Ethan Zhu, Caleb Nixon and Hazel Zechar
Clague Middle School B(Alternate) team roster consisted of Christopher Liao, Buchi Akabogu, Edward Manso, Hikaru Lida, Hannah Hoff, Aarush Bora, Shuhao Dong, Anna Wang, Aadya Desai, Andre Yang, Rohit Giddu, Anna Xu, Musaab Muneeb
Medals were awarded to the top 3 places. The medal tally in the individual events for both teams is summarized below:
Clague Middle School A (Primary)
Air Trajectory 1st place: Caleb Nixon and Christina Zhang
Anatomy and Physiology 1st place: Benjamin Wang and Jack Guo
Fast Facts 1st place: Caleb Nixon and Ryan John
Flight 1st place: Aarav Tirumali and Edwin Liang
Optics 1st place: Luke Zhou and Jack Guo
Wind Power 1st place: Jerry Zuo and Luke Zhou
WIDI 1st place: Aarav Tirumali and Saanvi Kulkarni
Crimebusters 2nd place: Edwin Liang and Ethan Zhu
Dynamic Planet 2nd place: Hazel Zechar and Ethan Zhu
Ecology 2nd place: Claire Svoboda and Christina Zhang
Fossils 2nd place: Edwin Liang and Dhananjay Prasad
Reach For The Stars 2nd place: Aarav Tirumali and Ryan John
Towers 2nd place: Jack Guo and Jayani Tavane
Wheeled Vehicle 2nd place: Claire Svoboda and Jerry Zuo
Disease Detectives 3rd place: Aarav Tirumali and Saanvi Kulkarni
Experimental Design 3rd place: Benjamin Wang, Jack Guo and Ryan John
Forestry 3rd place: Hazel Zechar and Ethan Zhu
Meteorology 3rd place: Luke Zhou and Jayani Tavane
Clague Middle School B (Alternate)
Can’t Judge A Powder 1st place: Shuhao Dong and Anna Wang
Flight 2nd place: Shuhao Dong and Christopher Liao
Roller Coaster 2nd place: Hikaru Lida and Anna Xu
Air Trajectory 3rd place: Rohit Giddu and Christopher Liao
Codebusters 3rd place: Shuhao Dong, Anna Wang and Hannah Hoff
Dynamic Planet 3rd place: Andre Yang and Eddie Manso
Fossils 3rd place: Andre Yang and Eddie Manso
Optics 3rd place: Anna Wang and Hikaru Lida
Wind Power 3rd place: Aadya Desai and Hikaru Lida
Slauson Middle School
Slauson brought two teams to the tournament: a primary team and an alternate team. Slauson’s primary team roster consisted of students Addie Yon, Annabelle Yan, Ash Shore, Asher Suter, Atharva Bhide, Caitlin Buza, Dhev Kannan, Dylan Wen, Erik Saran, Jacob McNabb, Jocelyn Wong, Lilah Woolard, Margaret Hsu, Ravi Kothari, and Sagar Jha. The alternate team consisted of students Aazhini Premsundar, Arthur Arum, Ben Olech, Charlie Lusk, Diego Luis-Ayala, Gideon Morse, Iain Hennebury, Joseph Bang, Kai Ryter, Liam Eisele, Rohini Sen, Ryan Yang, Wesley Fahlgren, Ylani Romero, and Zaara Gani.
Slauson’s primary team, Slauson Gold, finished first overall and won medals in 18 of the 23 events with 12 first places. Members of the alternate team, Slauson Red, finished in third place overall! Red team won medals in 11 events with 4 2nd place and two 1st place finishes. Between the two teams, Slauson brought home 14 1st place and 8 2nd place medals.
Slauson Students placed in the following events:
Air Trajectory (2nd) Diego Luis-Ayala, Gideon Morse
Anatomy & Physiology (3rd) Addie Yon, Dhev Kannan
Can’t Judge A Powder (2nd) Iain Hennebury, Ylani Romero
Codebusters (1st) Dylan Wen, Jocelyn Wong, Margaret Hsu; (2nd) Charlie Lusk, Ryan Yang, Ylani Romero
Crime Busters (1st) Jocelyn Wong, Sagar Jha; (3rd) Arthur Arum, Iain Hennebury
Disease Detectives (1st) Dylan Wen, Lilah Woolard
Dynamic Planet (1st) Atharva Bhide, Sagar Jha
Ecology (1st) Ash Shore, Atharva Bhide
Experimental Design (1st) Erik Saran, Margaret Hsu, Sagar Jha; (2nd) Charlie Lusk, Rohini Sen, Zaara Gani
Fast Facts (2nd) Ash Shore, Jacob Mcnabb
Flight (3rd) Asher Suter, Erik Saran
Forestry (1st) Atharva Bhide, Caitlin Buza
Fossils (1st) Addie Yon, Lilah Woolard
Meteorology (1st) Atharva Bhide, Caitlin Buza
Microbe Mission (2nd) Annabelle Yan, Dhev Kannan; (3rd) Joseph Bang, Kai Ryter
Reach For The Stars (1st) Annabelle Yan, Asher Suter; (3rd) Aazhini Premsundar, Gideon Morse
Road Scholar (1st) Charlie Lusk, Kai Ryter; (2nd) Annabelle Yan, Margaret Hsu
Roller Coaster (1st) Iain Hennebury, Rohini Sen
Tower (1st) Asher Suter, Ravi Kothari
Wheeled Vehicle (1st) Asher Suter, Ravi Kothari; (3rd) Liam Eisele, Wesley Fahlgren
Wind Power (2nd) Asher Suter, Jacob Mcnabb
Write It, Do It (3rd) Ben Olech, Wesley Fahlgren
Pioneer High School
Pioneer High School Science Olympiad took first place in the high school division at the Region 9 Tournament, which was held at the University of Michigan on March 16. At the tournament, Pioneer faced Hudson, Huron, Saline, Washtenaw Christian Academy, and Washtenaw International. The first-place finish means that Pioneer qualified for the State Tournament, which will be held at Western Michigan University on May 4. Saline took second place and also qualified.
Congrats to all SSO Olympians on the conclusion to this truly extraordinary regular season!
Science Olympiad competitions consist of 23 different events in a range of topics. Pioneer’s main team took first place in 14 of the 23 events and second place in 5 others. Pioneer’s alternate team took first place in 1 event, second place in 2 events, and third place in 5 events.
Air Trajectory: Kabir Jha & Patrick Regan (1st)
Anatomy & Physiology (2nd): Radhika Bhide & Ryan Chen (2nd)
Astronomy: Aaron Kou & Sophia Wang (1st)
Chemistry Lab: Jay Bala & Justin Hu (1st)
Codebusters: Oskar Hanson, Hyunsung Woo, & Michael Wu (2nd)
Disease Detectives: Justin Hu & Michael Wu (2nd); Swarnim Aghihotri & Kabir Jha (3rd)
Dynamic Planet: Madison Buza & Aaron Kou (1st)
Ecology: Amy Liu & Theo Sacks-Thomas (1st)
Fermi Questions: Ryan Chen & Oskar Hanson (1st); Wilson Ruan & Aayush Veerabhadran (3rd)
Flight: Theo Sacks-Thomas & Sophia Wang (1st); Vedha Joshi & Aayush Veerabhadran (2nd)
Forensics: Madison Buza & Aaron Kou (1st)
Forestry: Radhika Bhide & Amy Liu (1st); Amelia Burns & Ana Eisele (3rd)
Fossils: Aaron Kou & Theo Sacks-Thomas (1st); Trixie Uhle & Patrick Regan (3rd)
Geologic Mapping: Aaron Kou & Hyunsung Woo (1st); Theo Park & Trixie Uhle (3rd)
Microbe Mission: Jessica Jia & Amy Liu (1st)
Optics: Oskar Hanson & Justin Hu (1st)
Robot Tour: Sophia Wang (1st); Markus Eckner & Ana Eisele (2nd)
Scrambler: Jessica Jia & Alain Zhou (2nd)
Tower: Rex Bajcz & Radhika Bhide (1st)
Wind Power: Jay Bala & Justin Hu (2nd)
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