32 Ann Arbor Public Schools receive PLTW Distinguished School recognition for 2022-2023

Project Lead the Way awards

Ann Arbor Public Schools has been recognized as a Project Lead the Way (PLTW) Distinguished District—the only district in the state of Michigan to receive this honor and one of only 17 districts throughout the country to do so.

Also for the first time, 32 schools within AAPS have received PLTW Distinguished School recognition, including A2 STEAM and A2 Open, which are being recognized at both the elementary and middle school levels.

Tom Pachera, PLTW director for AAPS, says many district educators are to be thanked for their continuing support to make PLTW a priority of focus of instruction in Ann Arbor Public Schools. 

Project Lead The Way is a project-based learning program that incorporates science, technology, engineering, and math.

Congratulations to the PLTW Launch Programs in all 21 Elementary Schools, including Abbot, Allen, Angell, Ann Arbor Open, A2 STEAM, Bach, Bryant, Burns Park, Carpenter, Dicken, Eberwhite, Haisley, King, Lakewood, Lawton, Logan, Mitchell, Pattengill, Pittsfield, Thurston, and Wines Elementary Schools.

AAPS represented 21 of 27 elementary schools (78%) in Michigan and 21 of 492 elementary schools nationwide (4%) to earn PLTW Launch Distinguished School Recognition.

Congratulations to the PLTW Gateway Programs in all seven middle schools,  including Ann Arbor Open, A2 STEAM, Clague Forsythe, Scarlett, Slauson, and Tappan middle schools.

AAPS middle schools represented all seven of nine middle schools (78%) in Michigan and seven of 212 middle schools nationwide (3%) to earn PLTW Gateway Distinguished School Recognition.

Congratulations to the PLTW High School Programs in four high schools, including Community, Huron, Pioneer, and Skyline high schools.

AAPS high schools represented four of five high schools (80%) in Michigan and four of 262 high schools nationwide (2%) to earn PLTW High School Distinguished School Recognition.

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