You’re invited! CET’s ‘The Tempest’ (Act 1) to be live-streamed on Friday, Nov. 27 from 7:30 to 8 p.m.

By Jo Mathis/AAPS District News Editor

Community High School’s production of William Shakespeare’s “The Tempest” was two days away from opening night when schools shut down last spring.

It was a huge disappointment. But all would not be lost.

This fall, the Community Ensemble Theatre cast and crew rejoined to finish the show as a 5-part miniseries shot in Zoom, making homemade green screens and doing contactless drop-offs of costumes, sets, and props.

Director Quinn Strassel says his students’ work might stack up with some of the best theater happening at any high school in the country this year.

 “We started working in Zoom as a necessity but that kind of created a creative opportunity too,” says Strassel.  “We distributed green rolls of paper to all the kids’ homes to make green screens and with a little video editing, it’s become a “Tempest” unlike any I’ve seen before. The show features newly retired teaching legend Judith DeWoskin as Prospera and a cast and crew of more than 50 high school students.”  

 WHAT: Livestream of Act 1 of The Tempest (by Community Ensemble Theatre)

WHEN: Friday, November 27 from 7:30 to 8 p.m. 


The remaining acts will be released in coming weeks.

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