Writing project gives voices to Pathways students—literally

Story, video, and photos by Jo Mathis/AAPS District News Editor

A new project lining the main hall of Pathways to Success Academic Campus gives students an opportunity to tell their own stories in their own voices. Literally.

“Humans of Pathways” — is a take on the popular “Humans of New York” essays. But this time, a phone app lets someone walk up to the essay and use that app to listen to the students’ recording, adding an extra-personal touch.

The students submit their stories to advisors at Skyline’s Writing Center and the University of Michigan Sweetland Center for Writing, and stories are ultimately printed, photos taken, and they record their voices.

ELA teacher Kristal Jaaskelainen says the goal of the project is to allow students the opportunity to show each other and the rest of the world the diversity of experience at Pathways.

“Its empowering,” she says. “My goal is to just rebrand the idea of who is a Pathways student; why do students need this place.”

Kristal Jaaskelainen uses a phone app to hear a recording of a student.

Sophomore Aidan Fulgenzi was happy to contribute a story and he says his fellow students have been supportive.

“People came up to me and they’d say, `Oh, yeah, I’m going through the same thing. It’s really a hard struggle. I understand,'” he says. 

                                        Aidan Fulgenzi

Aidan says his connections with friends have grown stronger.

“It has really impacted our community in a positive way,” he says, referring to the project. “Everybody gets to know everybody at a more personal level.”                 

Pathways also hopes to publish all of the stories online via website, Twitter and Instagram.


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1 Comment

  1. Humans of Pathways is outstanding — and incredibly important. Giving such powerful voice to the often misunderstood Pathways community members will make a positive impact on the entire Ann Arbor community.

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