Story and video by Jo Mathis/AAPS District News
When Jordan Tirico graduated from Skyline High School in 2018, he knew he wasn’t ready right away to walk into a college classroom.
And so he took a gap year—spending six memorable months in first Guatemala and then Barcelona.
“I think the principal reason I took a gap year was my desire to shift my life priorities and shake myself from the sometimes subduing cycle of formal education,” said Jordan, now a freshman at Stanford University. “I wanted to learn in a more experiential way, a manner that is perhaps more important to our future than how we learn in school. The endless list of experiences and challenges I faced in my 12 months away from school added a distinct, new, and important dimension to my experience as an individual.”
It’s a year he wouldn’t trade for anything.
High school students considering a gap year after graduation will want to attend the USA Gap Fair Fair to be held on Wednesday, Jan. 22 at Skyline High School. A presentation featuring gap year counselors and local gap year alumni will be held from 6 to 6:45 p.m., and the fair will run from 6:45 to 8:30 p.m.
Taking time to do something personally important before or during college will bring more relevance and meaning to college and beyond, said John B. Boshoven, AAPS’ college counseling coordinator, who is featured in the video above.
To register for the free event, go to:
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