Editor’s Note: This is one in a series of two-minute videos offering a quick glimpse into one of AAPS’ 32 schools. At AAPS, our vision is Every Child. Every Day. Every one fully sees, values, and celebrates each child for exactly who they are, the gifts and strengths they bring to this world.
Video by Jo Mathis/AAPS District News Editor
“Living the Dream Every Day” are the words that greet those who enter Martin Luther King Jr. Elementary School, home of 480 Dreamkeepers in grades Young 5’s through fifth.
A two-time (2014 and 2021) national Blue Ribbon School winner for overall excellence, King is tucked into a neighborhood at 3800 Waldenwood Drive on the city’s northeast side. The building opened in 1969, and today King families from about 25 countries representing about 20 languages
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