Summer ESL Academy and Summer Learning Academy’s joint program helps students recognize & articulate their interests, strengths, talents

Now in its third and final week, the program offers 306 students a fun learning environment

The Summer ESL (English as a Second Language) and Summer Learning Academy Joint Program concludes on Friday following three weeks of engaged learning in a fun atmosphere at Huron High School.

The program has served multilingual students entering grades 4-8 in the 2022-23 school year. Students have engage in a project-based curriculum that supports math, literacy, and English language skills.

“Our goal is to expose students to a variety of experiences that help them to recognize and articulate their interests, strengths, and talents,” said Co-Administrator Evelyn Daugherty. “We hope students walk away from the program feeling empowered to use their interests, strengths, and talents to advocate for the changes they want to see in our world.”

Photo of teacher with students learning a new song.

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