We send best wishes to Skyline Principal Sulura Jackson as she leaves the district.
Jackson has accepted a position as a high school principal in Chapel Hill, N.C. She will finish out the school year with AAPS and she starts her new job in July.
Principal Jackson is Skyline High School’s first principal. She was integral in planning and opening the school and creating its curriculum. Last year she graduated the school’s first class of seniors. She has been with the district for seven years.
“No matter how exciting the book has been or how eagerly you looked forward to the next chapter, there comes a time when the story has run its course and you reach the end,” Jackson wrote in an email to district staff. “Then, it is appropriate to close the cover, put down the volume, and review it in your mind.
“So it is now. The time has come for me to move on. I will continue to hold the volume close; I will continue to review its contents in my heart; I will continue to wish that perhaps there might have been a few more pages.”
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