Elementary & K-8 Supply Kit Distribution have been rescheduled for the week of September 28-October 3
By Jo Mathis/AAPS District News Editor
By the end of next week, every AAPS student will have received a school supply kit containing the basic supplies they need for the school year.
Preschoolers and secondary students will have picked up their supplies by the end of today; all other schools will pick up next week.
For more details and next week’s schedule, click here.
Students who are unable to pick up supplies at the appointed time should contact their school to make another arrangement.
AAPS is pleased to be able to provide school supply kits to all of the students which are normally made available to students in their classrooms at the beginning of the year, explained Liz Margolis, head of student safety.
“We believe it’s important for students to have the proper supplies to support their virtual learning,” said Margolis. “The supply kits were designed to support different levels of learning: preschool, Young 5’s, K, 1st and 2nd graders, 3rd – 5th graders, K-8, middle schoolers and high schoolers. The box also provides a storage area to help students organize their learning day. “
She said that later next month, the district wiill also provide art kits for preschool and elementary students as well as art kits for specific middle and high school art classes.
“We hope the students find a fresh box of crayons, new markers, colored pencils and the other supplies a nice surprise to a very unsettling start to the school year,” said Margolis.
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