School Board Trustee recognized for work by African American Downtown Festival

Ann Arbor School Board Trustee Simone Lightfoot, Superintendent Jeanice Swift and Pioneer High School Class Principal Kevin Hudson with kids at the 2016 African American Downtown Festival.
Ann Arbor School Board Trustee Simone Lightfoot, Superintendent Jeanice Swift and Pioneer High School Class Principal Kevin Hudson with kids at the 2016 African American Downtown Festival.

By Andrew Cluley- Communications Specialist

Ann Arbor Public Schools trustee Simone Lightfoot has been named the 2016 African American Downtown Festival Community Leader Awardee. Lightfoot received the recognition at the 21st annual African American Downtown Festival on June 4th.

Teesha Montague, coordinator of the African American Downtown Festival says Trustee Lightfoot was selected for her unwavering service, leadership and dedication in the education of children in the Ann Arbor Public Schools. “Simone has demonstrated to be a person who goes far beyond what is or can be expected from a leader working to improve the quality of education for all children in our community,” says Montague.

Montague adds, “One of the goals of the African American Downtown Festival is to be a leader and a positive influencer in the larger Ann Arbor and Washtenaw County Communities.  Now and as in the past Simone Lightfoot has strongly and actively supported the AADF vision and goals.”

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