School board to hear partnership presentation Dec. 8

Discussion continues about Mitchell-Scarlett K-8 campus

From AAPSNews Service

Feedback from November community information sessions involving the proposed Mitchell-Scarlett K-8 campus and partnership with the University of Michigan has been posted at the Ann Arbor Public Schools website in advance of the Dec. 8 school board meeting where a report is scheduled to be presented.

Links to the information can be found on both the front page of the website ( and on the front page of the  “especially for parents” portion of the site.

Click here to access PDF downloads of  the Parent Forum Presentation, Parent Forum Notes and Feedback Form Comments.

Plans are being explored to create a K-8 campus between Mitchell Elementary School and Scarlett Middle School in Ann Arbor through a partnership between the Ann Arbor Public Schools and the University of Michigan School of Education. A balanced school year calendar is being considered that could include a shorter summer break and “inter-session” breaks for academic enrichment or vacations at intervals throughout the year.

To date, two parents forums have been held to offer basic information on the partnership and encourage discussion in small groups to generate ideas and raise pertinent questions.  In addition to being posted online, feedback from the forums will be reported at  the Dec. 8 Board of Education meeting.

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