Library offers homework help for students
The Ann Arbor District Library offers free homework help for Ann Arbor Public Schools students.
Drop-in tutoring is available in the Downtown Library Youth Department, 343 South Fifth Ave. on Tuesday, Dec. 1 from 4-8 p.m. and Wednesdays Dec. 9 and Dec 16 from 4-8 p.m. College students from the University o Michigan’s Circle K Chapter will be available to provide homework help
to school-aged children and teens at no charge. No appointment is necessary.
Free online homework help is offered for grades 3 through adult (for assistance with elementary, middle and high school subjects, including advanced placement.) Brainfuse online tutors are available from 2-11 p.m. daily in the subject areas of math, English/language arts, science, and social studies. There also is a writing lab where students may submit a paper or resume for critique. This online service is available in English and Spanish and requires an Ann Arbor District Library Card.
Visit or call 734-327-8301.
Girls swim team earns 3rd place
The Skyline High School Girls Swimming team earned a third place finish at the MHSAA Division 3 State Championships the weekend of Nov. 21-22. Sophomore Lexie Beemer became Skyline’s first State Champion in any sport as she won the 100 yard breaststroke. All State performances were turned in by Beemer (2), Ashleigh Shanley (2), Stassia McGlothlin, Rebecca Dickey, and Kim Graziano. Each of Skyline’s three relay teams also earned All-State honors.
Workshop offered for parents
The Ann Arbor Parent Advisory Committee for Special Education is presenting a free workshop for Ann Arbor parents, staff and caregivers on Thursday, Dec. 3.
“Helping Your Child Get Along in the World: Strategies for Social Success” will be presented from 7-9 p.m. at Skyline High School auditorium, 2552 N. Maple Road.
Judith Coucouvanis, a psychiatric nurse practitioner with the University of Michigan Department of Psychiatry-Division of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry is the featured speaker for this presentation.
Navigating the social environment can be challenging for any child. These challenges are even greater for children with special needs, such as cognitive or communication impairments, according to information from the AAPAC. This presentation offers information about teaching social skills to all children, especially those with special needs.
For more information, visit the AAPAC Web site.
Vacancy open on school board
The deadline to apply for a vacancy on the Ann Arbor Board of Education has been extended to 4 p.m. Dec. 3.
The district is seeking applicants to fill the board seat vacated with the resignation Nov. 18 of board member Helen Gates-Bryant. She had served on the Ann Arbor school board since 2003.
The original Nov. 30 deadline for applications was extended as the Ann Arbor Board of Education is considers moving elections from May to November as a cost-saving measure, school officials said. If the election is moved, the term for the board position vacated by Gates-Bryant would run through Dec. 31, 2010; any new board terms would run Jan. 1 through Dec. 31.
The board is expected to make a decision about the moving the elections by Dec. 16.
An individual wishing to serve on the Board must be: a citizen of the United States; 18 years of age or older; a resident of the Ann Arbor Public Schools district for at least 30 days; and; a registered voter. Persons interested in submitting their name for consideration should submit a written application to: Amy Osinski, Ann Arbor Board of Education, 2555 South State St., Ann Arbor, Michigan 48104. Applicants also may fax their application to 734-994-2414 or send it via e-mail to
Applications must contain: a resume which includes applicant’s home address, telephone, and (if applicable) e-mail address; and a letter of intent (no more than two pages) detailing experiences and the qualifications the applicant would bring to board service.
A candidate is expected to be selected and seated on Dec. 16 by the Ann Arbor Board of Education. The meeting begins at 7 p.m. at The Ann Arbor District Library. For additional details, visit the school district Web site.