Ann Arbor Public Schools Educational Foundation is hosting a 2011-12 budget presentation by Interim Superintendent Robert Allen from 7:30-8:30 a.m. and again from noon to 1 p.m. on Friday, April 15.
Both sessions will be at the Ann Arbor Preschool & Family Center, 2775 Boardwalk, Ann Arbor, located north of Eisenhower. For more information or to RSVP call 734-994-1969 or e-mail:
Volunteers sought for April 13 seedling planting day at Tappan
Volunteers are sought to help make the annual Agrarian Adventure Seedling Planting Day a day to remember for students. This year’s event will be Wednesday, April 13 from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Tappan Garden, located behind Tappan Middle School, 2251 E. Stadium Blvd. (Rain date will be April 18.)
“We can accommodate most anybody,” said organizer April Schmidt, the Agrarian Adventure Farm-to-School coordinator. Volunteers do not have to have children attending Tappan to participate and no special gardening skills are needed.
Tappan teachers were invited to bring their students out for the day of planting, and about five teachers plan to participate. “The students will come out with their teachers and will do a variety of planting in the seed trays, spread compost and get the gardens ready for the season,” Schmidt explained.
Volunteers are needed for 1- to 2-hour slots (or longer) during the event, as well as before 8 a.m. to set up and after 3 p.m. to clean up, said Schmidt. Help is needed with everything from greeting and directing tasks, to helping students plant in the greenhouse and help to get outdoor beds ready for planting. For a full list of tasks and volunteers needed for the event, visit
Help is also needed before the April 13 event to fix the sides of raised bed in the greenhouse and to be part of the garden’s summer watering schedule starting in May.
E-mail Schmidt at to volunteer. A Volunteer Information Session is scheduled from 6-7 p.m. on Sunday, April 10 at the Tappan Garden, but Schmidt said volunteers may contact her until the day before the event.
Some of the seedlings from the event will be distributed to other Ann Arbor Public Schools that have school gardens. Anyone from AAPS schools wishing to share in the seedling distribution should e-mail Schmidt at Most of the seedlings will be vegetables.
WISD board names superintendent finalists, schedules sessions
Two leaders of intermediate school districts are finalists for the superintendency at the Washtenaw Intermediate School District.
Thomas Goodney, deputy superintendent/chief of staff for the Educational Service Center of Central Ohio and Scott A. Menzel, superintendent of the Livingston Educational Service Agency were selected as finalists from a field of six by the WISD Board of Education.
The new superintendent will succeed William C. Miller who retired in December.

Both finalists have been invited back to the district for second interviews. Goodney will be in the district on Wednesday, April 13 and Menzel on Thursday, April 14. Community forums will be conducted on both days from 4:15-5:15 p.m. and the WISD board will do final interviews from 6-7 p.m. All sessions are scheduced at the WISD Teaching and Learning Center, 1819 S. Wagner Road, Scio Township. A WISD team will visit the finalists’ school districts during the week of April 18.
Goodney is in his sixth year in his current post in Columbus, Ohio. He received his bachelor’s degree in mass communications at Northern Michigan University, his master’s degree in speech at Miami University in Oxford, Ohio and his doctorate in educational leadership, also at Miami University.
Menzel is in his fourth year as LESA superintendent in Howell. He received his bachelor’s degree in religion from Vanguard University in Costa Mesa, Calif., his master’s degree in philosophy and social policy from The American University in Washington, D.C. and is completing work on his doctorate at Eastern Michigan University.
Early College Alliance co-hosts information night April 12
The Early College Alliance @ EMU and the Eastern Michigan University School of Engineering Technology host an information night from 6-7:30 p.m. Tuesday, April 12, in EMU’s Sill Hall, Room 002. (Click here for a PDF download of Sill Hall location on the main EMU campus.)
The ECA&EMU is a public, early/middle college program gives students an opportunity to earn college credits while still in high school and offers strong, academically focused students a chance to enroll in advanced, college-level coursework. Ann Arbor is a partner in the program, as are the districts of Chelsea, Lincoln, Milan, Whitmore Lake, Willow Run and Ypsilanti. The program is being coordinated through the Washtenaw Intermediate School District. Students attending the program receive their high school diplomas from their home school district.
Tuesday’s event will describe the many programs and opportunities the School of Engineering Technology offers. Faculty members will be available for questions and answers followed by a tour of the many laboratories. Light refreshments will be served. Details on Tuesday’s event: Philip Rufe, 734-487-2040 or e-mail to
Students who live in Washtenaw County or a county contiguous to Washtenaw County and are currently in the ninth or 10th grade in any public school district, charter, or home school, are eligible to enroll in ECA@EMU for the 2011-12 academic year. Details: or call (734) 487-4290.