Pattengill Elementary third grade teacher Susan Beech isn’t wild about the traditional Valentine’s Day parties at school.
That’s why her students were happily engaged Thursday in Beech’s Bunch’s Fourth Annual Valentines Service Day. Each year, parents donate materials, which the children use to create artistic items for charity.
“We do it because paper valentines kill trees, candy gets them all sugared up, and they just throw the paper valentines away,” Beech said, adding that students enjoy the camaraderie more than anything.
On Thursday, the class made pony bead geckos, God’s Eyes, and finger knit scarves. All items will be donated to children and teens at St. Joseph Mercy Ann Arbor and Ozone House.
“I want to teach them that they can do little things to make someone’s day happier,” said Beech. “It doesn’t have to be some huge project.”
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