Oooze and ahhhs: Allen principal gets slimed when Fun Run meets goal

Video, story and photos by Jo Mathis/AAPS District News Editor

Allen Principal Charles Chalfant made sure he didn’t wear his best suit to work the day he fulfilled a promise to his students: If the annual Fun Run raised at least $20,000, he’d get slimed.

And boy, did he. Seventy-two times.

Each class had a drawing that allowed four students to take a turn dumping the green slime (a mix of applesauce, vanilla pudding and green dye) over their principal’s head and all over that old suit he had planned to get rid of anyhow.

The dye washed off with a loofa in the shower.

“I did not want to be green for too long,” said the Michigan man. “Go Blue!”


Allen parent Dave Nelson created the following videos of the Fun Run:
(Fun Run Promo)
(Principal Chalfant Is LEGO Batman)
(Fun Run 2019)

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