Mitchell Principal Kevin Karr Competes in First Boston Marathon!

Mitchell Principal Kevin Karr at the 20-mile mark of the Boston Marathon
Mitchell Principal Kevin Karr at the 20-mile mark of the Boston Marathon


Mitchell Elementary School and the entire Ann Arbor Public School community are so proud of our own Kevin Karr, who completed his first Boston Marathon this past Monday!

Mitchell students and teachers followed Mr. Karr’s progress toward the running of the Boston Marathon and were there to “clap him out” this week upon his return to Mitchell school! His finishing time this year qualified him to run again next year and he thinks he can do even better next year!

Mitchell students congratulate Kevin Karr
Mitchell students congratulate Kevin Karr

“I was honored to run and be a part of the oldest continuously run marathon in the world for two reasons,” said Mr. Karr. “I was celebrating living and being cancer free for 18+ years. I think it is important to share stories of living after cancer because of the hope it gives to those who are suffering from it.” He added, “the exciting part was coming back to school and finding out the kids at Mitchell had been following my progress with the teachers.  I told them the work I had done to prepare to run the Boston Marathon was a lot like the work they do to learn – it takes a lot of practice and work; some days are easy and some days are very hard.  My practice and work led to me being a better runner, just like the work students do to become better readers, writers and mathematicians.”

This year’s Boston Marathon had special meaning not only for Boston and the nation but also for all the runners who participated one year after the bombing. “Running the year after the bombings also had an impact on me,” said Mr. Karr.  “It was emotional to be around the finish area where we stayed and to see pictures and memorials for those who died there the year before.”

AAPS and Mitchell as so proud of Mr. Karr’s accomplishment and how he has shared with his students the work ethic it takes to accomplish your goals and dream!

Mitchell's clap-out for Mr. Karr
Mitchell’s clap-out for Mr. Karr



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