The Gordon Group Agency of MEEMIC Insurance awarded $3,000 to support professional development for 10 AAPS teachers. Each teacher’s $300 stipend helps cover conference costs, travel and lodging. Photographed here is Lakewood Principal Michael Johnson, Lakewood kindergarten teacher Erin McKillen and Stewart Gordon of The Gordon Group, MEEMIC Insurance. McKillen accepts the award on behalf of herself and her colleagues who were also selected: Claudia Burns of Ann Arbor Technological School, Judy Hart of Logan Elementary, Kathe Hetter of Skyline High School, Cary Kocher of Forsythe and Skyline, Brian Schad of Lawton Elementary, Derek Toohey of Carpenter Elementary, and Ann Stalhandske of Ann Arbor Preschool and Family Center.
10 AAPS teachers awarded grants for professional development
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