‘It’s all about representation.’ Pioneer’s Black Student Union members read to Mitchell second graders

March is National Reading Month

Eight students from Pioneer High School’s Black Student Union brought some of their favorite books to read to Kelli Tupper’s second grade at Mitchell Elementary Thursday.

BSU Advisor William Copeland explained that all the books were by authors of color. “We read a study that said children start to lose interest in books around middle school because they don’t see themselves in books. So we want to let the kids know that by having kids that look like them read books by authors that look like them that, `Hey, there’s  still space for you in literature’ and to encourage them to keep reading and not lose that interest.”

BSU runs a Youtube channel of recorded books read by BSU members that were first uploaded during the pandemic and is now available to all. Copeland said BSU hopes to visit more classrooms after spring break.

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