It was all about birds at the 2018 Summer Learning Institute

By Jo Mathis/AAPS District News Editor

It was all about birds this year as more than 280 families participated in one of two action-packed sessions of the Summer Learning Institute concluding today at Allen Elementary.

The curriculum integrates reading, writing, social sciences and math in an engaging and fun way. This year, they learned all about birds, what makes a bird a bird, and how those characteristics help birds survive out in nature. They also learned the differences between birds of prey and “backyard birds.”

Literacy specialist Amanda Houston explained that during their two weeks at SLI, students learn that birds have a problem that they can help solve, as more than one million birds each year are injured due to planes, cars and windows.

“Through daily interactive read-alouds, reading, writing, project-based learning and through the partnership we have with the Leslie Science and Nature Center, students learn that they can take action and make a difference in their communities,” said Houston. “Students write persuasive letters and fliers to encourage other community members to help prevent birds from getting injured.”

On the last day of SLI, students design and build their own birdfeeders to place in their own backyards to help keep birds safe.

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