Huron High School BPA takes home 67 awards at the 2021 BPA State Conference

Members of Huron’s Business Professionals of America Chapter captured 67 awards after going online from March 14th-17th to compete against other Michigan schools in the 2021 BPA State Conference.

BPA is the nation’s leading Career Technical Student Organization providing students and members with skill development and the opportunity to make personal connections.

Huron was awarded the State Service Project award, an honor given to the chapter with the most involvement in this year’s State Service Project “Stay Safe, Stay Involved.” Huron BPA members virtually tutored middle school students from Slauson and Scarlett in math and English. Additionally, Huron raised $511 towards Food Gatherers, an organization that distributes food to low-income families and individuals in the Ann Arbor community.

The chapter’s 67 awards included five 1st place awards, 23 2nd place awards, 11 3rd place awards, three 4th place awards, six 5th place awards, three 6th place awards, three 7th place awards, five 8th place awards, four 9th place awards, and one 10th place award in addition to one gold medal, one silver medal,  and one bronze medal in open events.

Click here for the full list of Huron BPA award-winners.

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