Nearly 400 people attend event focused on family literacy

Nearly 400 people showed up for Eberwhite Elementary School’s Camp Read S’more, a Family Literacy Night, where families participated in a variety of read-alouds presented by celebrity readers from the greater Ann Arbor community.
Held on April 18, the evening included readings by Mayor Christopher Taylor, Author Lauren Ranalli, Representative Carrie Rheingans, Frita Batidos owner Eve Aronoff, past celebrity staff, and family members. A variety of vendors hosted tables in the “filling station” offering resources, including the Ann Arbor District Library, 826 Michigan Writing Center, Young Author Lanya Khaillany, Eberwhite PTO, Book Swap, and more.
“Hundreds participated in the fun, connecting in meaningful reading experiences from a variety of voices,” says Cathy Glei, Eberwhite Building Literacy Coach. “Many thanks to the numerous volunteers, readers, families, staff, and community members for making it a memorable experience for Eberwhite’s school community.”

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