Community invited to AAPS job fair Nov. 3 highlighting hourly positions

Story and photos by Jo Mathis/AAPS District News

If you’re looking for a part-time job—or two—AAPS invites you to a job fair on Thursday, Nov. 3 at Pioneer High School. There are two sessions: 1 to 4 p.m.; and again from 5 to 8 p.m.

“This is the first time Ann Arbor is holding this type of a job fair,” said Stephani Field, Assistant Director of Human Resources & Employment Services for Ann Arbor Public Schools. “Typically our job fairs are for fulltime teachers, but now we’re searching for substitutes to help us out with our daily needs, along with hourly lunch room supervisors, bus drivers, childcare workers, lifeguards, and others.”

Samina Barritt (right) and Mahshid Bagherpour (left) enjoy their  jobs as lunchroom supervisors.

The available jobs include before and after school child care; custodians; teaching assistants; substitute teachers; substitute teaching assistants, lifeguards, lunchroom supervisors; and bus drivers.

For many, these hourly jobs fit neatly into their schedules.

Samina Barritt started working at Pittsfield Elementary’s cafeteria when her son was in kindergarten there. He’s now a sophomore at Huron High School.

“I’ve enjoyed seeing the kids grow up and it fits with my other job, so the hours are fine,” said Barritt, who also works in the University of Michigan admissions office.

“If you like working with children and you have flexibility with your hours, it might be the right fit for you.”

Noon hour coordinator Gina Thursby has been at Pittsifeld when her son was in first grade 22 years ago. She oversees four supervisors, and together they watch all the kids during lunchtime, both in the cafeteria and outside on the playground.

“I just love it,” says Thursby. “They’re great kids, and that keeps me coming back.”

Gina Thursby has been a friendly face in the cafeteria and playground at Pittsfield Elementary for 22 years.
For 22 years, Gina Thursby has been a friendly presence in the cafeteria and playground at Pittsfield Elementary.

Representative from the various departments will be at the job fair to talk informally with prospective employees, who can immediately apply online through our computer kiosks that will be set up at the job fair for applicants.

AAPS is looking for at least 20 people in every category, and there can never be enough substitute teachers, said Field, noting that the need for hourly workers is greater than ever.

“The economy is doing well, and there are an abundance of jobs out there, which means it’s hard to find quality substitutes. People are working fulltime jobs in other areas,” said Field.

Stephani Field
          Stephani Field

She said people might want to combine jobs to create more hours. For instance, someone might want to be a lunchroom supervisor for three hours a day working for AAPS, for instance, and a bus driver that morning and afternoon for Durham School Services.

“We welcome anyone who’s interested in joining the team at Ann Arbor Public Schools or with one of our contracted companies to work for Ann Arbor schools,” Field said. “It’s a great place to work, and we welcome anyone who’s interested.”



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