Story, photos & video by Jo Mathis/AAPS District News Editor
Hill Auditorium was the setting Tuesday night for Communitiy High School’s 2018 commencement ceremony.
Each of the 127 graduates had 30 seconds to speak to the crowd during a nearly 3.5-hour event punctuated by poetry, dance, music, tributes, and lots of laughter.

Dean Marci Tuzinsky noted that Community High School is a difficult thing to explain, and called the school a living, breathing organism.
She said her best advice would be to “fail, fail again, and fail harder.”
Superintendent Jeanice Swift urged the graduates to find their places in the world in a space that only they can fill.
The Community High School Class of 2018 awards were presented to the following students:
The Jill Award (for making Community High “a happier place”): Justin Carthage.
The Community Resources Award: Rose Bogard & Danny Freiband.
The Nathan Lyndell Hall Memorial Scholarship: Neil Beveridge.
The Susanne Ruth Springer Award: Danny Freiband.
The Judith DeWoskin Writing Awad: Audrey Jeffords.
The Dean Al Gallup Scholarship: Samuel Uribe-Botero.
The Bruce Bartman Memorial Scholarship: Isobel Ratner.

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