Burns Park Students ‘Read to Feed’

Burns Park teachers dressed up as barnyard animals to help kick off the school's Reading Month fundraiser for Heifer International.
Burns Park teachers dressed up as barnyard animals to help kick off the school’s Reading Month fundraiser for Heifer International. All photos supplied by Rachel Erdstein.

March is Reading Month, and Burns Park students are celebrating by “reading to feed.”

The students will take pledges and participate in a fundraiser for Heifer International, which supplies families in third-world countries with livestock such as cows, chickens, rabbits and bees.

The school kicked off their fundraiser with an assembly that featured teachers and principal Dr. Virginia Bell in farm animal costumes and a $500 donation toward the fundraiser from Delta Dental. 

Media Specialist Rachel Erdstein shows off Delta Dental's $500 donation to Heifer International on behalf of Burns Park.
Media Specialist Rachel Erdstein shows off Delta Dental’s $500 donation to Heifer International on behalf of Burns Park.
Student t-shirts read: "We can read to feed"
Student t-shirts read: “We can read to feed”

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