Bach Elementary staff remind students they can 'can count on me'

By Jo Mathis/AAPS District News Editor

Bach Elementary has a tradition of singing the song “Count on Me” by Bruno Mars to open assemblies as first grade teacher Gabby Taylor plays guitar.

“The song has become sort of a mantra for us all,” says Taylor.

And so last week Taylor asked all staff to send her a small video singing a segment of “Count on Me” which she used to create a video sent to all students.

Gabby Taylor hopes the video she created lets students know they are missed.

“I asked everybody to pick a portion of the song to do, and I pieced together what I was given,” she says.  “I sort of lucked out that so many people participated, so I had plenty to work with.”

“We wanted to share it with our families to remind them that we will continue to be here for them, even from afar. We miss our students and Bach desperately!”

 Third grade teacher Becca Robinson has a message for the Bach community.

Fifteen of the 17 classroom teachers are featured, as well as all four specials teachers, social worker Marie Mills, occupational therapist Sarah Argersinger, Building Literacy Expert Jenny Miller and Principal Ivy Colette.

Kindergarten teacher Megan Franzen says she was happy to participate.

“We just wanted a way to tell our students how much they mean to us and how much we are missing them,” says Franzen. “It’s a nice way to bring a smile to their faces while we are apart.”

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