IMRA America, Inc., a world leader in the research, development, manufacturing, and application of ultrafast fiber lasers, has announced a $100,000 gift to the Ann Arbor Public Schools Educational Foundation in support of technology education at the high school level. The gift follows the company’s extraordinary commitment to Ann Arbor Public Schools over the past four years, funding the IMRA-Argus Planetarium at Pioneer High School, and with Dykema and other private donors, Air Tracks physics equipment for all Ann Arbor high schools. This year, IMRA’s funding will enhance the computer and engineering lab for Skyline High School’s Design, Technology, and Environmental Planning Magnet Program and serve as a model for other labs throughout the District. Funding will allow for the purchase of science and software engineering curriculum as well as professional development so that teachers can instruct new science courses.

“Our company sees incredible value in supporting the needs of our schools so that the children in our community can cultivate their interest in the sciences early on and throughout their K-12 education. Part of this funding will allow students to benefit from computer programming classes,” said Tak Omitsu, IMRA’s CEO. “This is a critical skill for a technology oriented economy.”
“The Educational Foundation serves as a means for local corporate and individual donors to support educational excellence in our schools. We are delighted that IMRA has continued its partnerships with our organization and the Ann Arbor Public Schools. Over 16,000 students will benefit from IMRA’s generosity,” said Linh Song, the Foundation’s Executive Director.
“The STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Math) lab at Skyline is only the first step in implementing STEAM education throughout the Ann Arbor Public Schools,” said Superintendent Dr. Jeanice K. Swift. “The wonderful donation from IMRA America will lead the way in STEAM education for our students. We are so proud of the support that IMRA America brings to our district. The Ann Arbor Public Schools Educational Foundation has once again brought businesses and education together to create immediate and direct impacts to student learning.”
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