The Michigan Fight Song hail-hails the leaders and best.
Now some Michigan athletes are encouraging AAPS elementary students to consider themselves the readers and best.

The University of Michigan Athletic Department and U-M Ginsberg Center have teamed up to present “Readers & Best,” sending student athletes and other students to visit four AAPS elementaries to read to classrooms and create an art activity.
Soccer player Maddie Clarfield, a junior from California, read to students during a recent visit to Pittsfield Elementary.
She said the play on words shows that U-M cares about being the leaders and best in every aspect, not just on the field.
“I want to give back to the community of Ann Arbor because it’s an amazing place and it’s been so welcoming to me,” she said. “So I want to give back while I’m here.”
Paxton Moore, a member of the U-M lacrosse team from Haverford, Pa., said that sometimes busy college students forget about giving back to their college town.
“I’m a volunteer firefighter back home, so giving back to the community is something I’ve always done,” he said, “and something I want to continue in college.”

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