June 11, 2014
Press Conference 10:45 am on School Aid Package
Dr. Jeanice K. Swift, Superintendent of the Ann Arbor Public Schools, along with other Washtenaw County Public School Superintendents will hold a press conference today, June 11, 2014 to address School Aid Fund being voted on today in Lansing.
Response to State of Michigan School Aid Fund Vote
Press Conference
When: Wednesday, June 11, 2014
10:45 a.m.
Where: Pioneer High School
601 W. Stadium Blvd., Ann Arbor
Cafeteria Annex – Enter off of Stadium Blvd./ Clock Tower Entrance
Who: Dr. Jeanice K. Swift, Superintendent, Ann Arbor Public Schools
Other Washtenaw County Superintendents of Public Schools
Mark Schauer, Democratic Candidate for Governor
The proposal for the state school aid fund has been back and forth in conference committee and expected to be voted on today. The proposal gives a small base funding increase for most districts across the state of $175 per pupil, with Charter Schools receiving an increase of $83 per pupil. BUT for over 40 districts, such as the Ann Arbor Public Schools, the proposal only provides a $50 increase in per pupil funding.
The bill will continue to be a pull down mechanism on public education. It includes massive hits to retirement funding and continues the shell game of “giving” district money then requiring districts to immediately return that money to the pension fund. This proposal will further erode public education across the state of Michigan. Michigan is currently ranked 42nd in K-12 funding for public education. This total and continual lack of financial support for K-12 students across the state of Michigan has to stop.
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