The halls of Pioneer High School were filled to bursting this past Saturday as hundreds of bright young students showed off their science skills in the annual Washtenaw Elementary Science Olympiad. 2nd through 5th graders from 39 area schools competed in events designed to increase an interest in science as well as promote teamwork and cooperation.
The Washtenaw Elementary Science Olympiad was founded in 2003 at Pattengill Elementary in Ann Arbor, and began with only a handful of Ann Arbor-area elementary school participants. This county-wide event has since grown by leaps and bounds, becoming the largest elementary Science Olympiad program in the world.
Science Olympiad events span a wide variety of areas such as aerodynamics, circuits, computer programming, properties of light, space and chemistry. Some events require knowledge of scientific facts and concepts, while others focus on scientific processes, skills, or applications.
Competition is arranged by grade level, so students only compete against others their own age. The top 9 teams in each event are awarded a medal during a grade-specific awards ceremony; 4 teams receive honorable mention, and the top 5 ranked 1st through 5th place.
The following are the local results of the schools that placed among the top five:
First place: Lawton
Second: Thurston
Third: Bryant-Pattengill
Fifth: Erickson
Barge Building:
First place: Dicken
Second: Emerson
Third: Logan
Fourth: Haisley
First place: Burns Park
Third: Emerson
Fourth: Dicken
Fifth: King
Feathered Friends:
First place: Lawton
Second: Eberwhite
Third: Emerson
Fourth: A2 STEAM
Gravity Racer:
Second place: Lawton
Fifth: Allen
In Bloom:
First place: Angell
Second: Eberwhite
Third: Bach
Fourth: Bryant-Pattengill
Fifth: Lawton
Map Reading:
Second: King
Third: Bryant-Pattengill
Fourth: Thurston
Fifth: Lawton
Mystery Architecture:
First Place: Bryant-Pattengill
Second: Carpenter
Third: A2 STEAM
Fourth: Burns Park
No Bones About it:
First: South Arbor
Third: Logan
Fifth: A2 STEAM
On Target:
First Place: Ann Arbor Christian
Third: Honey Creek
Fourth: Bach
Fifth: Dicken
Pasta Bridges:
First Place: Burns Park
Second: Emerson
Fourth: Wines
Fifth: Mitchell
Photon Phun:
First Place: Burns Park
Second: Haisley
Fourth: King
Fifth: Bishop
To Infinity and Beyond:
First Place: King
Second: Lakewood
Third: Carpenter
Fourth: Emerson
First place: Allen
Second: Wines
Third: Thurston
Fifth: Dicken
First place: Allen
Second: South Arbor
Third: Emerson
Fifth: Dicken
Feathered Friends:
First place: Dicken
Third: Haisley
Fourth: Ann Arbor Open
Fifth: A2 STEAM
Gravity Racer:
First place: St. Francis
Second: AA Christian
Third: Angell
Fourth: A2 Steam
Fifth: AA Open
Hang Time:
First Place: South Arbor
Second: Carpenter
Third: Lawton
Fourth: Logan
Fifth: Thurston
In Bloom:
First place: Angell
Second: Eberwhite
Third: Bach
Fourth: Bryant-Pattengill
Fifth: Lawton
Map Reading:
First place: Dicken
Second: Emerson
Third: Burns Park
Fourth: Bach
Fifth: AA Christian
Mystery Architecture:
First Place: Bishop
Second: A2 STEAM
Third: Emerson
Fourth: Dicken
Fifth: Carpenter
No Bones About it:
First: South Arbor
Second: Emerson
Third: AA Christina
Fourth: Thurston
Fifth: Carpenter
On Target:
First Place: Angell
Third: East Arbor
Fourth: Eberwhite
Fifth: Allen
Pasta Bridges:
First Place: Emerson
Second: Angell
Third: Mitchell
Fourth: King
Fifth: East Arbor
Photon Phun:
First Place: Burns Park
Second: Summers-Knoll
Third: Bach
Fifth: A2 Steam
To Infinity and Beyond:
First Place: Angell
Second: Emerson
Third: Wines
Fourth: King
Back to Nature:
First place: Lawton
Second: King
Third: Eberwhite
Fourth: Emerson
Fifth: Angell
Circuit Wizardry:
Second: Eberwhite
Third: Bach
Fourth: Summers-Knoll
Fifth: Burns Park
First place: Allen
Second: A2 Steam
Fourth: East Arbor
Fifth: Lawton
Hang Time:
First place: South Arbor
Second: Lawton
Fourth: Burns Park
Fifth: Logan
First place: King
Second: Summers-Knoll
Third: Lawton
Fourth: Burns Park
Fifth: Wines
Map Reading:
Second: AA Open
Third: Emmerson
Fifth: A2 STEAM
Mystery Architecture:
First place: Eberwhite
Second: Bryant-Pattengill
Third: Dicken
On Target:
First Place: Allen
Second: Eberwhite
Third: Lawton
Fourth: Pittsfield
Fifth: A2 STEAM
Photon Phun:
First Place: Lawton
Second: Burns Park
Third: Eberwhite
Fifth: South Arbor
First Place: South Arbor
Second: Summers-Knoll
Third: Emmerson
Fourth: Lawton
Fifth: Burns Park
To Infinity and Beyond:
First Place: Burns Park
Second: Thurston
Third: Wines
Fourth: Allen
Fifth: Carpenter
Write it Build it:
First Place: Eberwhite
Second: Emerson
Third: AA Christian/S. Arbor
Fifth: A2 STEAM/Dexter
First Place: A2 STEAM
Second: Lakewood
Third: King
Fourth: Thurston
Fifth: Bach
Back to Nature:
First place: Emerson
Second: A2 STEAM
Third: Summers-Knoll
Fifth: Eberwhite
Circuit Wizardry:
First: Wines
Second: Eberwhite
Third: Summers-Knoll
Fourth: Honey Creek
Fifth: South Arbor
First place: Emerson
Second: Eberwhite
Third: Bryant-Pattengill
Fourth: King
Fifth: South Arbor
First place: Emerson
Second: Dicken
Third: Logan
Fourth: A2 STEAM
Hang Time:
First place: Emerson
Second: South Arbor
Third: Abbot
Fourth: Carpenter
Fifth: A2 STEAM
First place: Burns Park
Second: Summers-Knoll
Third: AA Open
Fourth: Haisley
Fifth: A2 STEAM
Map Reading:
First: Haisley
Second: Burns Park
Fourth: Abott
Fifth: Lakewood
Mystery Architecture:
First place: Dicken
Second: Emerson
Fourth: Thurston
Fifth: Lakewood
On Target:
Second: South Arbor
Third: Emerson
Fourth: A2 STEAM
Fifth: Bach
Photon Phun:
First Place: Emerson
Second: Bryant-Pattengill
Third: Burns Park
Fourth: AA Open
Fifth: Eberwhite
First Place: Burns Park
Second: Eberwhite
Third: Haisley
Fourth: South Arbor
Fifth: Lawton
To Infinity and Beyond:
First Place: Haisley
Second: Dicken
Third: Emerson
Fourth: Wines
Fifth: King
Write it Build it:
First Place: Emerson
Third: Lawton
Fourth: Bishop
Fifth: King/S. Arbor
First Place: Thurston
Second: Holmes
Third: S. Arbor
Fourth: Lawton
Fifth: Brick
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