AAPS Board of Education elects new officers

The seven members of the AAPS Board of Education and Superintendent Jeanice Swift stand in front of a brick wall.
Ann Arbor Public Schools 2017 Board of Education, Simone Lightfoot, President Christine Stead, Vice-President Susan Baskett, Superintendent Jeanice Swift, Jeff Gaynor, Patricia Manley, Jessica Kelly, and Harmony Mitchell

By Andrew Cluley- AAPS Communications Specialist

The Ann Arbor Public Schools Board of Education elected Christine Stead to serve as their president at the first meeting of the year. Stead was unanimously chosen as president at last night’s organizational meeting, with Susan Baskett elected Vice President. New trustees Jeff Gaynor and Harmony Mitchell were also elected to office. Gaynor will serve as board Secretary while Mitchell is the new Treasurer.

Serving as president is the biggest service job there is on the board Stead believes. “I think my job is to support the other trustees, and support the superintendent, and that’s the only way I’m going to do this job well, is really in service to everybody else,” Stead says.

Stead’s looking forward to working together with the Board of Education to take Ann Arbor Public Schools to the next level. “We’ve made enormous progress as a district so far, having our enrollment up, having our financial situation be what it is,” she says. “But more importantly getting to the systemic level of change and the investment back into our teachers and staff and our buildings, that’s kind of our next wave of really advancing the Ann Arbor Public Schools to get us to the level that I think our community expects and hopefully beyond. So that’s my goal is that we can together as a team really achieve that in the next couple of years.”

In addition to choosing board officers, committee assignments have been made. Pat Manley will chair the Planning committee with Trustees Gaynor and Kelly. The Performance Committee will be chaired by Simone Lightfoot, with Baskett and Mitchell also serving. President Stead leads the Governance Committee with Manley and Mitchell.

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